Getting started on the front yard

I’m too tired right now to even tell a good story about our latest project. The good news is that it only took us about 3 hours of work this Sunday afternoon to get the fence down and all that ivy pulled out. There are still more roots in the ground from that damn ivy that I’ll have to dig out, but we’d had enough for the day. We’re halfway to the front yard looking awesome.

The little hosta (at left) just poked up about 2 weeks ago. We didn’t even know it was in there. Hopefully the hydrangea will bloom here in the next month or so. Our street is quickly getting green, and Rache was desperately craving to plant something. Since our backyard is going to be a massive project, probably stretching into 2012 before it’s really ready to plant, the front yard was the place to start.

Once I get the last of the roots out and the whole yard turned over, we’ll be in really good shape and ready for planting. The front yard is full of that really good decayed brown soil, full of earthworms (we saw tons!) and organic material.

Happy Easter everybody.

Front exteriorDSC_0248

Pre-closing: front porch northDSC_0253


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